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SATURDAY, 18 January ' 97

Tip OF today:

InterNet left Exchange

Weather Radiating sunshine, warmly
Snow Much snow, but froze over already rather firmly, in the morning
Runways On the Monte Pana and on Col Raiser we drove excluding " blue runways "
Route On the first day Route?? - Andreina and I could not ski-drive yet at all!!
Kilometer of runway Kilometer of inclusive. Elevators Time for the route Time inclusive. Trace
approx. 9 km approx. 16 approx. 3.5 Std. approx. 6 Std.

How does the people of the Hubaau in Kenya say so beautifully?
Incoming goods of AR bloody beginners! (too German: we are bloede beginners!)

YES! Like that were we, the Andreina and I...

Already during the drive had we firstrode that we right after the arrival that feared " Monte Stupido " (too German: Idiot hills) to drive may! Said - done! But Heinz was pityless - it did not let the Monte Stupido at first attempt drive us times... - first had we a ramp to a barn in the plow to drive off! (3m highly). In addition, this courage sample could not frighten us and we placed itself courageously to the placed function - and hoppla - we was nature talents! The barn is today still and also we survived it!

Now was it so far! The Monte Stupido (the native ones call it Monte Pana (1667m) and the runways are there beginners much to recommend) waited directly for by us to be defeated! But first the first time in a schlepplift (Schauder!). Although the force of gravity was against us, we could erklimmen the summit of the first runway, a due to us then with its downward gradient (between a half and five per cent) Fright in-hunted!

Here Thomas's explains even as one in the " plow " drives!

First the plow, curves had drives (that is so a type parallel momentum for stupid ones) and transferring to be trained. Heinz drove always courageously in front, made everything before and went then into covering if we it tried to him to copy!

After approximately one hour were perfect we in it - we dared ourselves to the neighbouring slopes, those were a little steeper already and felt like Hercules in the world of the dwarves!

Perhaps it was also because of it that we did not imagine anything bad thereby, as the others (those already the whole time like the professionals the slopes with bored face printout down-drove) said, we would be now professional ski drivers and we could to the Col Raiser drive now, around which Erwin welcome, which has there its ski hut. Thus we drove again off to the auto and then back to pc. Christina.

Suspicious already was it, how long the car needed, until we above were with the summit - but we were good courage and looked forward already to Erwin. Corresponding was also the prospect - which seemed sun - everything was marvelous... From there above one knows either the departure after pc. Ulrich, or back after pc. Christina drive off - to the Erwin was direction pc. Christina - thus loosely...

Dolomites - the breath-robbing area...

It was not everything so badly - after approximately   two kilometers and four falls we  arrived with Erwin on! With Erwin everything was good - there was AAA meal (egg with bacon at the board), ski water and above all one:
Rewriting for Williams Christian, Mirabellenlikoer and other Gesoeff!
The name COURAGE
® probably finds its origin in the praehistorischen history of the Suedtiroler Urmen
(also admits as Homo Mutiens - an early Vorart of the Homo Sapiens)
Others maintain that one, as soon as one drank enough
COURAGE ® has no more FEAR before the steep runways, but who hears this already!?! (ts ts ts)

The actual surprise came only, when Heinz, Thomas, Andreas and I from Erwin's hut out to the valley wanted to drive off:


It is again and again amazing, as few are ten meters, as soon as this is the width of a runway, which leads steeply downward. Very carefully and slowly I drove off the cannon pipe - only interrupted of tracing and falling... - then a long and relatively flat discharge distance and already am one again with the valley station

We drove this departure then still several times around then again to our ladies with Erwin to see complete... Those were already good courage and after some rounds Williams courage
® Mirabellen courage ® and (I know - sounds now amusing) a type warm Eierlikoer courage ® made themselves we again on the way...

Thus Birgit looks like already on the first day with Erwin with much Courage®...

Andreina (very painfully) detected only now that it yet at all did not know the remainder of the runway and it now the first time to master had. The long break had a little driving experience with Erwin of the Morning watering nevertheless full COURAGE ® we made ourselves for something to the departure - and actually: after only amazingly few falls all welfare with the valley station had arrived!

Skis packed on the car and let´s go to the Appartment. Birgit had before-cooked already at home Chilli - it gave now! The evening was however relatively short and without Aprés ski, there all is enough for night travel and the beautiful day in the bones felt... - so far so good: The first day had gotten over without damage - still few planning for the second day and then SWEET DREAMS!!!

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