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SUNDAY, 19.Januar ' 97

Tip OF today:

Internet Link Exchange

Weather Radiating sunshine, warmly
In the afternoon slowly increasing cloudy appearance...
Snow Much snow, but froze over already rather firmly, in the morning
Runways On the Ciampinoi " red runways "
on Piz Sella and Piz Seteur mostly " blue runways "
Route Of St. Christina over the Ciampinoi after plan de Gralba,
then with the lift on the Piz Sella...
There are many (relatively simple) departures.
In the afternoon after plan de Gralba continue to drive off, then to Wolkenstein.
From there with the car on the Ciampinoi and to the termination
the Worldcup lady departure back to St. Christina
Kilometer of runway Kilometer of inclusive. Elevators Time for the route Time inclusive. Trace
approx. 16 km approx. 28 approx. 4.5 Std. approx. 6 Std.

The second day... - radiating sunshine - nothing as going out of the feathers!
It was Sunday and after a long way had I to state that in
St. Christina had opposite opened Sundays neither the baker, or the supermarket and already not at all the small EDEKA loading. Since we had however already covered ourselves up in Germany well with food, we lived of
Water (mixed with coffee powder) and bread (with thickly sausage and cheese on it).

Here also times praise at Birgit, which before-cooked already at home and always a good meal prepared for us - particularly worth mentioning is also Thomas, who always as the first to the cook -, rinses -, finery, cooking coffy, and also to the "afterwardsclearupeverythingagainwar" were!
And thick praise to me: I times again for two ate!

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Thomas's - our kitchen angel!

Then loosely - device was packed into the car and down to the lift at the Ciampinoi! From there it goes above (for beginners) somewhat delicate a departure toward plan de Gralba, but there are only two difficult slopes - everything else are really beautiful departures...

From plan de Gralba out it goes with the car to the Piz Sella, from there you can overlook all the ski runways. Here arrived you does not have to continue actually, because there are sufficient runways here to learn around the ski driving or refurbish the knowledges...

Here however Birgit invented a economical method for the " FACE LIFTING "!
As it into a lift to enter came up one of the ski linkages wanted and it lost the stop, so that it fell down forward - where it got the armchair fully at the back of the head! Thereupon it got a so large dent at the back of her head that it bent it all face courses (as much to the Face Lifting)! In each case we want to thank you from this again the spirit-present Lifting personnel, which did not react at all - neither stopped them the elevator in time, nor they offered assistance!

Thereupon we made first times extensively break with ski water, beer, for hot cocoa and - no - there we also without courage
held out! Birgit cooled its new heading decoration with ice and held out courageously.


Birgit after the Face Lifting
Now she cools her heading with ice...

We drove on then and as we again once at a particularly broad runway were, showed Heinz us, how " fast swinging " works... He demonstrated it a few times, we tried it to copy. He said, Andreina has to move in front of him, so he can admire their driving technique.

Said - done - Andreina drove forwards... - it worked also quite well, so that I drove after twenty seconds afterwards, to transfer around the learned into the practice. - Hmmmm - Andreina was probably rather intensively busy with the leg technique, so that she did not pay attention any longer so quite where she actually drove. Anyhow it drove candle straight into a deep snow area inside, which let it become really approximately a half meter smaller - before she fell down - afterwards one saw only few from her.......... - I saw her and wanted directly hurry to the assistance. Since I had not also detected, what had actually occurred it, I drove simply afterwards, whereby almost the same fate overtook me - only that I could drive out again (I had probably owing to the two portions of Chilli of the previous evening more mass available...)

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Andreina and Thomas in the deep snow...
It looks, as if they need assistance!

During I turned off the skis myself around Andreina to assistance to come (those relatively helplessly lay there, there it her bones ever more interlocked and the skis not got off) drove also Thomas into the deep snow around Andreina to help and fell not far from her down...

To run one could not in this deep snow - thus I lay down and rolled (I can do that due to my wind-slippery body form quite well) to Andreina and Thomas. Both could free themselves in the meantime somehow from their Skiers and threw them to me. I threw these then I to direction runway, where I saw whom? - which saw? - - - the other broke down because laughing, made itself photos and it dearest would have seen, if we still another one while in this awkward position had endured - probably over of driving past sportsmen of admission fees to require!

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Michael with first rescue attempts

We drove to the involuntary break still the most diverse runways and then again toward plan de Gralba drove off. From there it went far until Wokenstein. There a part of the group sat down into the ski bus and went back after St. Christina. The others drove from Wolkenstein with the car again on the Ciampinoi and then the lady departure
to St. Christina drove off.

That is the disadvantage, if one has its domicile in St. Christina - the only departures back lead evenly the Worldcup departures down. Who the efforts (and the Courage®) of the daily in the bones feels or yet
on the Skiers is not has either the possibility to take the ski bus so quite safe or one of the two departures to select.

The lady departure had it in each case in itself! Both departures (gentleman and lady departure) begin quite above with an embossment runway (steeply it goes downward!) - followed of a long discharge distance. In the moment, in which one believes, the world stops before one, one at the branching arrived, at which lady and gentleman departure separate. A large sign points out dezent that the lady departure a " red - ", the gentleman a " black runway " is. The gentleman departure is shorter to drive more steeply however all in all beautifully. The lady departure is very close in some places,
above all if on the right of and left many humans stand in the runway! In addition you must approximately in the center of the departure a road (on no snow lies!) cross. These difficulties let all doubt arise in us whether the people, which occupy such runways with colors are from this world...

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The close fog cover covers the prospect again and again in's valley
and made for us each departure heavy...

Already after few kilometers (and falls) we arrived at St. Christina and fastened our skis on the roof. Back in the Appartment there were then only times coffee and later in the evening Spaghetti. Slowly we felt the efforts in the bones - however nevertheless these were still welfare...

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