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MONDAY, 20 January ' 97

Tip OF today:

Internet Link Exchange

Weather More closely fog (approx. 20-30 m view)
From time to time using snow...
Snow In the morning froze over, in the course of the daily
approx. 5 cm new-fallen snow.
Runways On the Col Raiser blue and red runways
on the Seceda usually red runways - a black runway was also thereby...
Route Of St. Christina over the Col Raiser on the Seceda,
then there some departures and then again on the Col Raiser back and then
fast to the Erwin noon eat - then still some departures of the Col Raiser in
Direction St. Christina - then again with the Erwin clean-looked - then departure...
Kilometer of runway Kilometer of inclusive. Elevators Time for the route Time inclusive. Trace
approx. 11 km approx. 19 approx. 3.5 Std. approx. 6 Std.

Normally on the third day not very much ski is driven (in such way someone said it to us at least...) We already saw it from the breakfasttable - it was foggy... We took ourselves thus forwards in the proximity to remain and no larger route to plan. The route from the Seceda to St. Ulrich - those is long and not dangerous... Had breakfast - packed and loosely went!

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Heinz, Andreina and I are waiting already at my car...

Already in the car, which brought us on the Col Raiser, was it to see (nothing...) - more closely fog would make more difficult today all... Above at the Col Raiser arrived one must go outside some stairway steps - then you are made attentive already by a sign on the different ways - the way to St. Ulrich led to the left. Amazingly many people were on the way - natural all in direction St. Ulrich...

Heinz drove forwards, Andreina directly afterwards and then we others. Before a steep place Heinz stopped and wanted to wait up to all was there. I must admit, as Heinz stopped, perhaps she had assumed, that he turns on the right... In addition, he could not suspect that Andreina would drive equal behind him... - naturally into a meadow with deep snow, which gave her again a fall picture-as shown by the books...

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As soon as one came over the nebula boundary, one was in the radiating sunshine
From left to right:Andreina, Andreas, Birgit and Thomas

After Andreinas fishbones were again sorted drove we a short piece " blue runway " and arrived quickly at a lift, which would bring us on the Seceda... Arrived above we had to drive off to St. Ulrich unfortunately to give up... You can see now only fifteen meters.


Thus we decided to drive back on the Col Raiser. Unfortunately we were with our attempt to arrive St. Ulrich already too far from the departure to the Col Raiser away, so that we had to drive off first a runway, which we fortunately hardly saw... - as Heinz and I (we drove in front) a short break inserted, heard I it only painfully: Oh guy, that is a black runway... - I inquired again, but the colour did not change thereby... Heinz decided however that we open that to the other one however only, as soon as we arrived downhills. Actually - it worked! None fell - none was surprised, why it went so steeply downward - everything was good...

(and completely without courage !)

Down at the elevator I told Andreina that we had mastered even our first black runway - and both were proud on us... We started up then again with a lift and could achieve the correct departure this time to the Col Raiser. The departure to the Col Raiser became quite difficult in addition, since the view became ever worse and ever more snow of the sky fell...

We then still went past at the Gamsblut hut, decided us however nevertheless to drive dearer further downward because we hoped that with Erwin's better visibilities prevail to hut.

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Sometimes it went correctly downhill!

We had to drive relatively carefully; nevertheless we came on welfare on the Col Raiser... On half distance of the Col Raiser to Erwin is on the right side a devilly steep black runway. These wanted to tackle Birgit, Heinz, Thomas and Andreas still, before we continued to drive to Erwin. They drove with a lift and we, that had remained we down, could only there above small multicolored points detect - in addition, was enough!
The small Birgit point shifted in such a way small point of Thomas thrust that this traveled some stretching and elevator meter on the back! We all saw it, Birgit!

Nevertheless all arrived again welfare down, and we made ourselves then on the way the Erwin, which we arrived also five minutes later...

Large hello - equivalent a desk gotten (which not always like that was) and then it went loosely... Courage
, courage and again courage ! Finally we were so courageous that we even thought ourselves capable of in this fog again after St. Christina to drive off...


Birgit created it to under the nebula boundary!
Behind her you see the exit out of the cannon pipe...

To whom did something happen with this departure? Which for a question... is water wet? Can dogs bark? Naturally Birgit! Since its back of the head pain-did still from the day before, it decided to ill today their leg. At a difficult piece of runway? No... Does it have someone kicked her out of the line? No... Did lightning hit? No... Aircraft crash? Also not... No, she slipped away with her left ski and fell unfortunately and pulled herselves the leg! Andreina, Thomas and I helped her again on the legs and also today she bytes her teeth together - she could still drive off. Thomas drove and came
then (together with Andreina) into Appartment...

We drove off then still several times the Col Raiser, which made despite nebulas much fun there we the distance slowly by heart knew.

When we returned on this day, for coffee and pastry, which us the two ladies had gotten in the meantime from the local baker... - hmmm.. already, expected us - to it could one get accustomed!


Heinz and Thomas with kitchens - rap

There were then later still noodles, which we all hungry pressed. As already initially mentioned - on the third day normally much ski is not driven - we had it nevertheless done... Thus we felt however also... With me there was no place at the body, which did not pain-do to me! Thank God we had a learned bonefixer thereby, which away-massed Birgit, Heinz and me the roughest pain with Andreina!

None of us believed that Humpelstielzchen (Birgit) could ski-drive on the next day again, since she sat only in her seat corner and slept! But with light, moved none of us and looked more like Hermes the God messenger... (separate rather like Kermit, the frog!)

Then still somewhat watch television, a little bit planning for the next day and then only sleep...

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Back to second -, or further to the fourth day?