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TUESDAY, 21 January ' 97

Tip OF today:

Internet Link Exchange

Weather More closely fog (approx. 20-30 m view)
From time to time snowy...
Snow In the morning froze over, in the course of the daily
approx. 10cm new-fallen snow.
Runways On away runways mostly red over the Groednerjoch
In the valley (Colfosco) blue and red runways mixed...
Route Of St. Christina with the car to Wolkenstein,
from there it goes along with the car on the Dantercepies (2300m), afterwards
a lift to the Groednerjoch (Passo Gardena) - now you drive off to
Colfosco. The two sides of the valley are connected with a ski swing...
In the early afternoon then again over the Groednerjoch to Wolkenstein,
Starting from Wolkenstein then again with the car back to St. Christina... Heinz and Thomas still drove on the Ciampinoi and then the Worldcup gentleman departure...
Kilometer of runway Kilometer of inclusive. Elevators Time for the route Time inclusive. Trace
approx. 19 km approx. 31 approx. 5.5 Std. approx. 7 Std.

The weather looked not much better from the breakfeasttable than at the day before... - the mountains in range of vision were situated in the fog. Nevertheless we planned that we wanted to make today a somewhat further route - into the valley (Colfosco). Our bones felt better, as itself after the pain of the day before would have let assume...

Birgit seems not to be so hurted and thought herself the route capable of despite pain in the leg. However we should´nt begin at the Ciampinoi - It´s even more save to drive with the car to Wolkenstein and start from there.

The larger difficulty in Wolkenstein was it to find a place to park the car. We found however finally a departure to a basement of an hour parking lot, where we of the custodian equal around seven thousand (7000!!!) Lire were robbed...

From there we had to carry our skis however in a ten minute foot march as far as the correct car (uff - and in ski boots)... - there we were first times to queue, but all that knew our good mood did not cloud... - finite went it then a long car travel to the Dantercepies (2300m), of where out one arrives then at the Passo Gardena (2137m). Now we could drive off over Alta Badia to Colfosco.

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A wonderful area! Temporary we had marvelous weather...

In Colfosco both sides of the valley has a lot of ski runways. In order to arrive from the side on the other hand, you have to go a long way, but can comfortably the ski swing use. In this way you are able to drive ski all day long without long starting time.

Annoying is only that on the western side of the valley a road passes through, which you have to cross again and again. In addition it means each time: Ski off, shoulders and ski again buckle... - practices uncommonly!


There are constantlyt pictorial corners...

We drove all runways with Colfosco so rather - participate very beautiful! Here however made I mean first accident in a lift (WoW)

It was particularly embarrassing that calculated the own brother behind one drives... But God is thanks is I fast enough from the dragging area escapes and traffic did not stop - I do not need to mention that the elevator personnel did not react also here, although I was not distant from the ground station thirty meters...

When I mean bones had again sorted had I only again the dragging area to cross, in order to the departure runway to arrive (umpf) and in addition also still over a field run (sweat) - then finite I could drive those few meter again downward and dare a further start.

With this second start praised I improvement and gave myself special trouble. One hundred meters in front of the end of the lift-slope I saw waiting Heinz - my legs already trembled with effort - I was probably because of my embarrassing fall particularly cramped. But all efforts did not use anything, the dragging area were frozen - my interior ski hooked in and fifty meters in front of end again somewhere got it me again (I know naturally exactly that that is merry - in the moment however it doesn´t make me happy a little...)

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Lucky arrived...

I got myself no blue marks - since that time nevertheless the scars in my self value feeling sit many more deeply!!! Heinz trick itself the laughter satisfyingly, so that we could drive then behind other (uff! - I had already feared, they would have mean second fall also all seen).

Still another short departure - then again a lift - went this time however without incidents... - above had arrived first which I of Birgit heard: We started up even this lift, when it got you that second time - we saw it all (in ground sink!!). Even as I asked, whether so what already times had occurred and all answered in the negative to someone, could not my cracked Ego any longer construct...

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On the Passo Gardena!
Now there was only times a round new Courage®.

Slowly we had to make ourselves on the way back - is called again toward Passo Gardena. Retrospectively I must say that the departure from the Passo Gardena was down to Wolkenstein the most beautiful departure of the day. Harm - it was already late, otherwise we could have still repeated this departure few times.

It surprised me in Wokenstein that one could cross the half place on Skies after the departure of the Passo Gardena nearly. We turned off then the skis, had still another road to cross and nearly already were with the car. This stood directly beside the car plant to the Ciampinoi up - we could have taken theoretically again the Worldcup departures, but the mountain was to be found too fog-imposed over to it fun.

This fact did not hold however our Heinz and Thomas of it off... - you drove with the car up - and we for others with the car home. My offer to fetch them with the car in St. Christina at the Worldcup departure deflected they sportily and said, those few hundred meters steeply uphill with ski shoes and Skiers on the shoulders them nevertheless with ease would create!?!

When they arrived then hours later also high-red heads, sweating,  with wound legs in the Appartment, Thomas determined that I was not a " true friend " - which hurts me naturally deeply...

They had driven the Worldcup and it them well had pleased. They said to me at that time already that them were to be driven substantially easily, as the lady departure, which we had mastered on Sunday...

Now there was first times coffee and pastry, which this time I had gotten from the baker (probably in quiet hope to see the two with their Skies on the shoulders climbing the mountain) to late gave us Birgit and Thomas's bulb meat, its later effect I probably to describe here do not have (!). this time was we in the evening in such a way fit that we decided on the next day the Sella Ronda to tackle.

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In the evening first times the new flat courage was inaugurated ®

Andreas had seen today on the way a few ski driver, whom a courage-bottle filled with courage ® (a so-called flat-courage®) thereby had and merrily knock against could, without having or for each still so small courage ® equivalent 3500 Liras to leaf have to wait for tracing through huts...

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Much courage ® makes everything good in the blood!

That brought Heinz back on the thoughts that he would have a courage-bottle - and Andreas and Thomas on the idea to go to the marketplace, in order to cover itself up also with courage-bottles. But which is useful the most beautiful courage-bottle without courage® - thus by it also equal a supply was put on, which lost however still in the same evening much at substance. After the two along-brought both me a courage-bottle, and Andreina and Birgit a courage-bottle and courage ®, we could against-look the next day with much courage ®...

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