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WEDNESDAY, 22.Januar ' 97

Tip OF today:

Internet Link Exchange

Weather Radiating sunshine
Somewhere something fog was - however never with us...
Snow In the morning froze over, otherwise everywhere enough snow...
Runways As far as I received it, there was excluding blue and red runways...
Route Of St. Christina with the car on the Ciampinoi, then far over Piz Seteur, stone city, Passo Sella, Passo Pordoi after Arabba - now over Passo Campolongo more around to the valley (Colfosco)... Over the ski swing toward Passo Gardena and then down to Wolkenstein...
There with the car again on the Ciampinoi and then the Worldcup gentleman departure back to St. Christina...
Afterwards still to the car at the Col Raiser and dailyended with Erwin on the hut with much courage
Kilometer of runway Kilometer of inclusive. Elevators Time for the route Time inclusive. Trace
approx. 27 km approx. 60 approx. 6 Std. approx. 7 Std.

Also today the view of the breakfast table from the window did not suggest better weather necessarily - however one saw the sun through-flashing from time to time easily by the nebula clouds...

Since we wanted to drive the Sella Ronda, we hurried with the breakfast and tried at the car to the Ciampinoi to be as early as possible. There arrived we drove the departure with the car highly and again once toward plan de Gralba down. From there we went also with a car on the Piz Seteur, from where we drove on toward Passo Sella.

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Today we had finally again good weather!

On the Sellajoch (Passo Sella) I noticed finally, for which I had ski sticks thereby. Over to get ahead we had by the " stone city ". You must shift this distance to a very large extent with the ski sticks. Here also an unknown quantity ski driver coined/shaped the record: The yellow is there down hang-paged - now it is appropriate for "in the middle of the way" and must ascend... - meant thereby I was supposed, because it had me during momentum of getting for the next hill picture-book-moderately on the antinode bulge put...

From here it goes then far to the Passo Pordoi, at which we drove past with a watering eye. The there runways looked very enticing and the sun seemed in the meantime radiating by the blue sky. There we had to stay the first time on this day at a lift-queue. Now it descended some (steep) beautiful departures - from lift to we after a long discharge distance in Arabba arrived again and again interrupted.

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Andreas had to be from time to time supported...

Here we inserted a short break, since lured a few beer banks at a small restaurant. Thus Arabba left its good impression - which continued only briefly however. Hardly we had the rest terminated had we to state that we did not need yet at all to buckle our skis again. Who wants to drive the Sella Ronda into this direction, has to take in purchase a longer foot march in Arabba. There is only a few hundred meters, but with the Skies on our shoulders and walking into ski shoes (additionally continuously uphill) that is a good piece of work.

Finite with the correct lift arrived (attention - the signs do not mistake - the " Sella Ronda " is passable in both directions!) it ascended then on the Passo Campolongo.

As we arrived nevertheless finally above were faced with we a large lay-by, which we could not resist - we had a rest!

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Here never more  eat! Not well!

There we could convince ourselves the first time in our vacation of culinary benefits, which were not - the supply reached cloudy soup " (Andreinas barley soup) from " cold cheese noodles " (I) over " indefinable one up to " mini bacon without board " (none - the portion were ridiculous). - power nothing - had no hunger...

In each case today the flat men bought at the day before disbursed themselves - such a small supply of courage
for on the way saves cash in each case and makes a warm antinode bulge...

From the Passo Campolongo goes it into valley (Colfosco) then already down. If the time is enough can one still some runways here drive or directly with the ski swing on the other side of the valley drive.

There the " Sella Ronda " is again well signed. The valley in the " Sella Ronda " thus only touched...

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Back on the Passo Gardena!

From here it goes again toward Passo Gardena (Groednerjoch), where we might repeat the beautiful departures of the day before again... - because at the end to the departure is Wolkenstein, whereby we could cross also today again the half place on Skies and at the car to the Ciampinoi were very fast.

Today I wanted to know it - I wanted to try the Worldcup out gentleman in any case. Although the Ciampinoi was appropriate also today for something in the fog (looked however better than at the day before) drove Birgit, Thomas, Heinz and I with the car upward, in order to then drive off to St. Christina.

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Andreas, the " Almoehi "...

Andreina and Andreas went back from Wolkenstein with the bus, where we wanted to meet. When we arrived above, the departure (like each time) hunted a due fright for me... with sufficiently respect began I the
embossment runway to drive off, whatever I brought today without permanent damage behind me...

After the long discharge distance we reached again the place, in which gentleman and lady departure separate. Birgit and Thomas drove today the lady departure - Heinz and me the gentleman departure...

Because the lady departure is longer, the two asked to wait us down for it (both distances have the same discharge distance in the valley). Heinz and I made us to it to drive off - the departure is to be driven
devil steeply however beautifully. As it mostly got me here in the moment, when I wanted to carry sufficient momentum forward for the next hill and shot drove - hmmm - it gives worse. We drove the departure in each case and inserted no tracing briskly. A special special event is the final departure (the place, in which the lady and gentleman departure are again united). The ski drivers
from the lady departure come suddenly right from the forest and cross the own way downward

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Here I plows the straight runway over...

We arrived in any case both welfare down and I asked Heinz as we put the ski off whether we wanted to wait directly here for the others. I was to some extent surprised, when he said to me that the other two (Birgit and Thomas) would already be at the car and its skis packed on the roof (we should not actually wait for them - as they comes so quickly downhills?)...

As we minutes later arrived at the car provided Thomas for clearing-up: Birgit was driving in front and was the entire distance (several Kilometer!!!) without also only once to continue to in's valley driven off. Thomas hoped with hurting thighs in each curve for a break, but she was inexorable...

I must admit that I´re only able to explain it - I had driven the lady departure two days before - I had after minutes first time to break, because the thighs of the Sprit went out... - however who can, that can evenly...

This mystery busy the Thomas's anyhow still entire evening... - we fastened then the skis on the roof and drove to the Maggiacore (the local supermarket), where we wanted to meet with Andreina and Andreas - Hmm - we waited, and waited, and waited - a ski bus came to the other one... assumptions was employed and also again rejected, because the two long before us would actually have had to be here. After we had waited twentyfive minutes, we made ourselves on the way to the Col Raiser, around the day in Erwin's hut end to let...

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Heinz pursued me at every step and turn...

On the way Birgit jumped again out of the car around quick in the Appartment to by-watch, - perhaps were the two at home. And actually, they had run from the ski bus from home - Andreas already showered - after in twelve minutes the last car on the Col Raiser drove off (at 16.15 o'clock) was nothing more to do...

That did not stop us other four now however - we drove further and created it actually still the last evelator on the Col Raiser to get... - above arrived had we like always first the half distance to drive off, for Erwin's hut there there is appropriate...

Here we approved ourselves first times like used " bacon at the board " (a due portion - that must be mentioned also times), ski water and above all much courage ®. It was one evening with much singing, beer courage ®, Mirabellencourage ®, pear courage ®, plum courage ®, Jagerteecourage ® and Eierlikoercourage ®.

With the time it became dark and we was so courageous that we did´nt know anymore, whether slowly our view was fog-imposed or whether it fogged itself actually outside already again...

We noticed then, when we wanted to make ourselves to the departure - it was darkly, foggy however owing to Courage® we came well into the skis. I heard merry ski driver cry still another: Hey, there is one in a neon-yellow gap... FREESTYLE! (stood in the back on my pair of overalls) - CLASS! Behind him we drive ago... Whether I should make it attentive on that I drive only since few days ski?? But the conscience bite continued only briefly, because me probably in this moment a pear (of the pear courage ®) in my eyeball by-swam...

I made myself everything on the way and I came in front without fall... it was actual quickly in front not at all as badly as I
thought - in the opposite, - now, where I did not see anything, went all much more easily. Also as I an intermediate break inserted, in order to wait for the others, stopped some me unknown ski drivers, and praised me, how I had ahead-driven beautifully, and which one means in this weather ski pair of overalls he could see me for miles...

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Andreina mills the runway smooth...

Also the remainder of the departure went quickly and without incidents. At the car it was called again packs up and back into
Appartment arrived, where Andreina waited already impatiently.

Andreas had already made himself on the way, in order to explore the local indoor swimming pool. Heinz told him that it would be " because of the local exit ". However it did not give data concerning it, which place it meant... there is in St. Christina an indoor swimming pool, but belonged apparent to a hotel plant - Andreas ran, and ran and ran... - finally he inquired in tourism information, said to him that there is an indoor swimming pool in St. Ulrich. Thereupon he set into a bus and drove there.

There probably some service was required - the prices however immensely high. After some hours he made again on the way home (also again with the bus) and met us already with best mood on...

Now, after we had already all day long drunk rounds on the way from the Flatcourage® and after the many Courage® with Erwin knew we with before day the bought Courage® supplies to no more pitying. The flatmen were filled up again and again and emptied.

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From this face the wisdom of a whole human life speaks...
Thus Birgit looked after a sip coffee courage

Finally against midnight the heads hummed to us - there were something to eat in this evening, but that knows so exactly probably none more...

Heinz had repeatedly responded on this day already that he would like to make gladly the " Route Marmolada ". This seems to be however an extension of the " Sella Ronda ", and all did not think themselves capable of.

Thus agreed upon Heinz and I that we wanted to drive this route on the next day, which others would drive with Birgit to the "Diabolo".

Sometime after midnight then finite all tired became, so that we still another sleep would get few hours...

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