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FRIDAY, January 24. ' 97
St. Ulrich

Tip OF today:

Internet Link Exchange

Weather Sunny, from time to time easy cloudy appearance - all in all too warm
Snow In the morning froze over, otherwise everywhere enough snow... This becomes however slowly wet, because it is very warm already the third day...
Runways Are all together blue and red...
Route Of St. Christina with the car on the Col Raiser, then with lift on the Seceda - from there a long red departure leads to St. Ulrich... It leads by the forest (approx. 10m broad) and is very long... At St. Ulrich one arrives direct with the car. Over again at the Seceda to arrive you must transfer however from the first lift (with which one sea-honour for a long time pend) directly into second... We used over one hour, in order from St. Ulrich again on the Seceda to come... Then departure to the Col Raiser and there directly to Erwin's hut... - then still some-paint the Col Raiser completely drive off (direction St. Christina) dailyended like always in the courage hut of Erwin...
Kilometer of runway Kilometer of inclusive. Elevators Time for the route Time inclusive. Trace
approx. 19 approx. 35 approx. 5 Std. approx. 7 Std.

The last day!

That was to everyone of us heavily on the mind! On the other hand we all were glad that the difficult routes behind us were situated and all bones welfare were...

The breakfast we brought also today briskly behind us and decided some days ago the route pleased because of fog into water after St. Ulrich today to retrieve...

We packed thus again times our skis on the roof and drove for car station at the Col Raiser. There arrived we drove with the evelator - had however first times again the Col Raiser to drive off, so that Andreina could fetch all the things from the Erwin (skiglasses and scarf, I think), which was them because of (damp-merry) the evening before there had left.

While she got the things, I drove still those laterally to the main runway being situated " black departure ", which I still some days beforehand do not ride along myself trusted. The runway did not have curves, it had no embossments - no - it was actually only steeply!

After I arrived then also at the hut of Erwin, they all were to already drive on ready - now again with all necessary implements equips.

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Birgit is too warm...
Thomas must help her!

Thus we drove the Col Raiser again off - then with the lift again and branched this time at the upper car station toward St. Ulrich (Seceda). Again a short departure and then goes it with a evelator up to the Seceda.

Then St. Ulrich is there above already out-described. Many kilometers go a long departure crosswise through the forest from there. It leads past only one hut, in which one could eat quite good - unfortunately the operation did not seem to have a good mood on this day.

After short rest we drove on then the short piece to the valley station in St. Ulrich, at which we had the first time in our vacation really " CONTROL ROOMS " - almost a whole hour long! Since this is the only evelator, in order to come from St. Ulrich on the Seceda, we did not have other selection and had there through. This evelator does not lead however to quite upward, but you must transfer on the way once into a second evelator. Waiting periods did not result there however.

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Perhaps he did " help " somewhat too much?

Finally again arrived above, we had the beautiful departure of the Seceda on the Col Raiser in front of us, which seemed to by-tear in radiating sunshine only in such a way at us. It was now already the fourth day consecutively too warm, and the snow became slowly aqueous, which on the one hand much was strength-robbing and punished on the other hand each fall with a wet mark at the ski suit.

Since we had decided a " peace route " today on the last day, we turned at the hut of Erwin directly again (it was even times briefly after twelve o'clock). we ate our " bacon at the board ", which us in the course of our stay very much to the heart had grown and drank ski water...

Then decided, today on the last day still another little into the sun chair to put - the others a few marks the Col Raiser to still drive off (direction St. Christina).

Here I put, although I had not any longer assumed after the substantially more difficult routes of the days before, the last mark properly on the antinode bulge - like always in the middle in the cannon pipe, as I someone to evade wanted...

After some departures turned Heinz and I again with Erwin in - this time the last mark - around us to discharge... - Erwin output its parting round and dismissed us only after we it praised to come back, back into the working sphere...

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A last photo at Erwin's hut...

This time the last departure was a little sadly (despite sufficient courage ) and fastened we for the last time our skis on the roof.

Again arrived in the Appartment we decided to have a meal in Gardenia to the celebration of the daily in the hotel. There Birgit and Heinz had over many years in their vacation weeks used and were well-known the boss. She welcomed us cordially all and a successful meal was served.

Remained later packing together then only our filter things to us and to discharge us from the dolomites. A short instant long the thought flashed on our stay still around one day to extend - however - everything has an


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